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March 28, 2012

The Lost Kingdom of Ratu Boko


what you can grab at Bromo Crater

Bromo such a beautiful place! Itu kesan pertama yang di dapet kalo pergi ke sana. Sampe di sana kira-kira jam 4 pagi, dari penginapan di Probolinggo berangkat jam 2 pagi naik elf dan nyambung naik jeep, cuaca dan anginnya bener-bener ekstrim. Dinginnya udara bener-bener nusuk lewat hidung dan rasanya sampe bikin ngilu tulang. Baru sampe sih gada yang bisa keliatan jelas, cuma berasa banget dinginnya. Tiupan anginnya juga cukup kuat buat nyapu orang-orang yang berbadan kurus. Tapi semua terbayar saat mataharinya udah mulai tinggi. Meskipun akses menuju spot buat liat sunrise nya bener-bener offroad (karena hujan yang cukup gede dan pasca meletus), tapi bener-bener ga kecewa!!!

And This is It The Beautiful Bromo
the new water line, soft and dangerous

so up and down but still got the dawn
misty morning
inside the water line, is it nice huh?
long journey
the jeepers :D I love the colours by the way

thats meeeeeeeeeeeee ow :D
bright but Ms. Misty still won't to hide

the temple of the Tenggerese

the stair looks tired and so does the climber, LOL!

what a coincidence!:p
One of a nice place if you go to the East Java, try this!:D

January 25, 2012

My Painting

This is my first painting on canvas when I'm in the senior high school :p

Sun and The Rain

    Today the sun's bright rays didn't show, the smile of the sun obscured by the dark black clouds and accompanied by the strains of strong winds. Not long after, came the rain. Slowly but surely the rain gradually remove the black cloud from the sky.
    The clouds were back to white and very visible in the blue sky, at the same time the rain went away, go away and eventually stopped and disappeared. 
    Then, the sun ask a question to the white cloud, "hey, my friend white clouds, I didn't see the rain. How to see the rain?" The white clouds answered, "The rain will come if you are in trouble. And he will go when you are able to smile back at the blue sky."

I'm addicted to

"Happy 37 monthversarry Boby, all the good things for us"

Lyric of the month

"I Would Do Anything For You"
(Foster The People)

Never wanna stand up for myself
Never wanna get in the way, I said it
I don’t know what the plan is, 
But you can share with me, ‘cause I’ll 
Be listening here, 
To everything you say, I won’t turn away
And I will listen, open up my heart and
I must say that I love you, so

Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before 
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known

Every day is a battle I face
Strange life i live but its what you've decided
I’ll give it all into your hands, 
Do what you will with me, and oh
I’ll smile when you speak
Remember all those times I was hoping for something
And shaking my head from all I have done
But you never left me

Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before 
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before 
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known

Give it up for you, I would give it up for you
I would give it up for you, I’d do anything for you

Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before 
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before 
Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known

I have fallen in love
I have fallen in love
I have fallen in love

January 24, 2012

Foto terakhir di perbatasan Baduy Luar dan Baduy Dalam

Esok hari setelah menginap semalam di Baduy Luar, kami sekelompok pergi untuk mengunjungi Baduy Dalam yaitu desa Cibeo, dengan trekking kurang lebih selama 3 jam dengan turun naik gunung dan menyebrangi sungai. Dengan tanjakan salah satu tanjakan terkenalnya yaitu "Tanjakan Cinta."

Ini salah satu foto di mana terakhir kalinya kami dibolehkan untuk mengaktifkan alat-alat elektronik. Atau disebut juga dengan perbatasan antara Baduy Luar dan Baduy Dalam. Setelah jembatan ini, "Tanjakan Cinta" sudah menanti untuk dilewati.
that's me hehe :p

gadis Baduy

Jembatan terakhir untuk mencapai Cibeo. Semangaaat!

Spot foto terakhir di Baduy Luar

Yang ambil foto banyak jadi bingung hehe :p

Last bridge!!!
a. Untuk penderita asma, disarankan membawa obat asmanya, soalnya gue aja sampe minum  3 tablet buat bisa menempuh perjalanan ke Desa Cibeo itu hehe.
b. Bawa coklat atau gula jawa buat nambah energi
c. Bawa air minum buat buat selama diperjalanan.